Trigger Chat is Launched!

Click the READ MORE below to read our article about the launch of the new Social Networking Website for Gun Owners, Trigger Chat


by Jessie Indracusin

Pleased to Announce Trigger Chat

We have been working, in our limited spare time, to launch a Social Networking website for gun owners.  This is 100% free to join and please note that from when you watch the video to when you may logon to the site, the look and feel may change as the website is still undergoing constant upgrades and development.  For those of you who have been wondering where I come up with the time for this, I don’t even know.

Trigger Chat was designed out of a neccessity.  My regular Social Networking sites I am part of just didn’t seem appropriate to discuss firearms and guns.  Most people want to penalize and look down upon anyone who owns a gun and treat them like some Domestic Terrorist (probably Obama taught them how to do that).  At the end of the day, I wanted an area that was more relevant than some bull shit forum to talk to other gun owners.  Nothing I found quite spoke out to me, so I started the development of Trigger Chat.

Trigger Chat is ONLY for the discussion and sharing of knowledge and information about guns, shooting and firearms accessories.  For a lot of you that have wanted to desperately comment on my you tube videos, you will be able to search Trigger Chat for the topic and post messages accordingly.  I will start linking back and forth between Civilian Tactical Weapons and Trigger Chat going forward.  Meaning, if you came to this page on Civilian Tactical Weapons, you would find the video along with the discussion thread for this video to chat about on Trigger Chat. 

This is MUCH easier to moderate than any Youtube comment board where any non-firearm and anti-gun nut (yes, I used the term anti-gun nut…feel free to spread the term)

Anyways, please logon, create groups (which I will approve as fast as possible) and remember to complete your profile like you would on any Social Networking Website.  I look forward to chatting with you on Trigger Chat.

