Basic Gun Cleaning

Civilian Tactical Weapons has provided this viewer requested video on how to clean a gun.  This has been a requested video for a while and the increase in the number of first time gun owners since the election, I figure I would end the year with this video.  Click the READ MORE below to read the article and find the Video link portion of the article at the bottom.

Also, please vote on my polls about the video format size.  I have been moving the video format slowly to this latest one at 1080p.  However, because the size is increasing, I am concerned that viewers may be on slower speed connections and may not be able to view the high definition content we are moving too.  Please vote so I have an idea of what my viewers are using for internet speeds to view the videos.


by Jessie Indracusin


This is actually a viewer requested video since the amount of first time gun owners is on the rise since the election and a lot of people have never cleaned a gun before or know what is best to use on the gun.  This by no means is a specific video for one manufacturers specific way they want a gun cleaned.  This is a method I have used to clean guns for years.  Keep in mind everyone varies the way they clean their gun, especially if you come from a military background.  Also note, the importance of how you clean your gun depends on the manufacturer.  For example, cleaning a Heckler and Koch pistol is less important to do than with a Beretta pistol.  Mainly you clean a gun for two reasons.

1) A clean gun rarely jams on it's own.  The exceptions to this rule are poor ammunition, old springs, poor/cheap design and operator error

2) A clean gun will pretty much last a lifetime.  People always ask me about wanting to buy one ofthe guns I own.  Most people have a hard time believing that I have put so many rounds through my guns.  You can keep a gun looking brand new with proper care.  This helps to reduce breakdown within the gun by having rust and other types of corrosive build up on the guns.

The choice for the video I use is one of my Glocks, my model 19.  I did this because all Glocks breakdown identically and most first time gun owners along with collectors normally have one of these laying around.  

Another note about this is I am showcasing a few different gun cleaning tools I use.  I am not saying to buy all these items separately since they are from different manufacturers.  Your best bet is to pickup an all in one kit that fits your caliber of gun to get you started.  Look at the items I am talking about for only replacement of items that you have ran out of.  I don't want people to necessarily waste a lot of money here where they do not need too.


This first step of cleaning is to break the gun down.  If you have an exceptionally dirty gun or are cleaning multiple guns, you may want to invest in a pack of disposable latex gloves.  I tend to always use this when cleaning rifles or a lot of pistols.  If you are a woman reading this article, I highly suggest you buy this since the crap that builds up on a gun always finds a way of getting under a woman's nails.  When you are breaking down a gun, remove the magazine and inspect the chamber to ensure the gun is empty.  I want to make a very clear point right here.


I want to make this very clear. This may sound like something basic, but it is very important.  Do not clean your guns while watching television, talking on the phone, talking to someone else in the room with you or if you have a lot on your mind.  I have a coleague that has put a 45 round into his desk while cleaning a gun and talking on the phone.  It is to easy to get distracted by the task at hand.  If you do want to do other things while cleaning your guns, have them completely disassembled first before attempting to introduce distractions.


Now what we need to do is get the majority of the gunk off the gun.  You will need to use a pack of disposable gun swabs for this.  Mainly, they are a bunch of little rectangular swatches that are used to scrub down a gun.  This is where you will need to use the solvent.  There are many solvents out there and to be honest, I don't see one being that much better than another.  All of them will make your girlfriend/wife  mad if they smell it, but for me the smell of gun solvent is a calming smell.  To me, it's like the smell of flowers after a morning rain and brings a smile to my face.  For women they say it stinks and get it out of the house.   Keep in mind, you will want to do this in a well ventilated room or in a garage.  Since my garage faces the street and I don't want my neighbors to watch me cleaning my guns (however if you have a neighbor you don't like, sometimes cleaing your guns in your garage may not be a bad idea…just joking, I don't want to get anyone in trouble including myself).

I have been using Hoppe's Number 9 Solvent.  It's a good solvent, does a good job and I can't complain.  Also not, a regular size of gun solvent will last most people a lifetime.  Does a gun solvent really have a shelf life?  I can't honestly say.  I tend to use mine until I use them up.  The last bottle I bought before this took nearly 10 years to go through, so trust me, this is something you will use for a long time.  Most people will lose there bottle before they use it all up.

You will want to use your rod with the scrubber tip to use this solvent to scrub the inside of the barrel clean.  You want to run it through the barrel a few times until you can get to the point where there is no little particles inside the barrel.  After you have used the scrubbing tip, you will need to replace that with what I like to call the fishing tip.  You'll take one of your little swabs and thread it through the end and use some of the solvent to make it wet.  Then you will run this through the barrel again to collect any more of the buildup.  Use another cloth to scrub down the outside of the barrel.

You will need to take some of the swabs and this solution and wipe down the inside of the slide (upper portion of the pistol) and remove all the build up that has occured.  Don't use this on the outside of the slide only the inside.  Don't forget to clean the ejection area of the slide since this will have a lot of build up.

Next, you will need to clean the bottom half of the gun.  Take a new swab with the same solution and run over the inner portion of the gun (this is the part that is hidden when the gun is re-assembled.  Make sure to carefully clean the four connecting points that the slide connects to the lower portion of the gun.  After you have done all this, it's time to lube the gun since you have done the heavy lifting cleaning.


 I know, bad joke.  Anyways, you will take the gun oil to lube up the connecting points.  This will primarily be the rail.  You w ill add a drop to each of the four connecting points on the lower half of your pistol and then add a few drops to the upper slide.  If you look at your gun there will be a long line where the four connecting points slide into the groove.  I suggesting tilting the gun almost vertically and adding a few drops to each of these long grooves.  You should see the liquid run down the groove.  If it stops before it gets to the end, add another drop to let it have enough to get all the way to the bottom.  I am using an Outer's Gun Oil that works good at Rust Prevention and provide excellent lubrication.  

Also, you can use this inside the barrel if you want.  You would use the rod with an attached cotton gun patch on the end of it and wet the cotton path.  At that point you can run it in and out of the barrel a few times.  

 Personally, I like to use the Remington Cleaner for this.  The Remington spray cleaner is a quick way of cleaning the inside of the barrel.  I also use this spray cleaner to clean guns that haven't exactly been fired and have gotten dirt, but have been stored for a long period of time.  If you need to quick lube a gun that you clean about once every 6 months but have not shoot it since the last time you did a regular after the range cleaning, you can't beat this Remington spray gun oil.  

This holds true if you have a large collection and don't want to spend a lot of time cleaning them all, I love using this stuff for that.   Anything that helps me make my day simplier I am all for.



After you have re-assembled your gun and worked the slide over about 5 to 10 times to shake off any extra gun oil, you will now want to  clean the exterior of your gun.  I have been trying this new solution which works great.  I don't know if I would trust it on a chrome revolver, but for your tactical firearms and pistols, it is great.  It comes in a spray and all you need is some new cotton patches like before to rub this on the outside of your synthetic plastic components and the outside of your slide.  It smells like rubbing alcohol and is a quick dry solution.  I like to use a soft paper towel to dry off the outside of the gun after I have rubbed it with the cotton patches to remove any excess solution.  I recommend a product that Birchwood Casey makes which is a Gun Scrubber that is a Synthetic Safe Cleaner. 

I like to use these as a way of cleaning guns that have been stored for an extended period of time and not shot.  It works great for providing some quick cleaning and getting off dust and fingerprints from your gun.




I want to thank all the loyal viewers who have been coming back every week and looking at these videos.  I will be offering items up for sale on the website next year like the embroidered shirts I wear and other things.