Guns, Water, Chlorine?

Click the READ MORE to read our article and find our video on the viewer responses in regards to questions about submerging the Beretta Storm and the Eotech 512.

Guns, Water, Chlorine?

by Jessie Indracusin

Was that the end of the Beretta Storm and/or Eotech?

I didn’t really even think about this until I got a bunch of viewer email asking me about the status of the Eotech 512 and the Beretta Storm CX4.  Apparently a bunch of you watched the video showing the bikini model with the Beretta, continually submerging the gun in a chlorine filled pool.  So let me answer a whole series of questions people asked, not in any particular order:

Was that a real Beretta Storm or an Airsoft Gun? -It was a 100% real Beretta Storm.  We do not use or show any airsoft products, nor would we use such products for our Calendar.

Was the Eotech actually on during the photo shoot? -Yes, the Eotech 512 was on the entire photo shoot, being put over and over again underwater.  The optics were left at about 80% power the entire time and the model was actually trying to work the optics as she popped out of the water to get the water dripping effects.  The gun and optic were submerged about 50 times for getting the shot just right.

Was there any rust in/on the gun? -The gun remained pretty much 100% rust free.  We did, however, find minor rusting only on the screws that mount the accessory rails to the Beretta Storm.  Keep in mind, after the shoot, we dried the entire gun down with a towel, took it apart and sprayed it down with some Remington Gun Oil to prevent any rust from building up until we got around to cleaning it further (which ended up being a few days later). 

Does the Optic have any electronic issues? -The optic works perfectly fine.  The battery compartment did not have a drop of water in it and the batteries were completely dry.  There is no indications that the optic was ever submerged for the calendar shoot.


At the end of the day, any modern firearm should work and operate correctly, even if completed submerged in water for an extended period of time.  Regardless of what Hollywood wants to show you about guns and water, this is not the end of a gun because it gets some water on it.  Nearly all guns I know of and I buy are treated with a rust resistant coating.  I want to finish by saying that I am not responsible for any damage that may be caused by you sticking your guns in the swimming pool to see what will happen.  At the end of the day, it is the manufacturer who has the ultimate say on what there gun can or can not do.

