Concealment of Body Armor

This week’s episode is response to a viewer’s request about how easily concealable is the Level 3A body armor that was covered in an earlier episode.  The video covers this in detail.  The key thing to understand when trying to conceal body armor is what is the real risk of someone else noticing?  So if someone came up and hugged you with the body armor, you are not going to be able to conceal it.  If you casually walk by someone, they will most likely not notice it even under a T-shirt (as noted in the video).  However, if someone stares at you enough and you are in tight fitting clothing, it becomes increasingly difficult to conceal.  Please note the different attires illustrated in the video.  At the end of the day, loose fitting clothes is your friend and winter time tends to be incredibly easier to conceal body armor than in thinner clothing in summer time. 
