Ergo Grips for Rifles

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Time to get a grip on your shooting

by Jessie Indracusin


Anyone who knows me, knows of my obsession with rubber hogue grips.  I put the things on nearly every gun I own.  If I could but a rubber hogue on my computer mouse, I probably would.  For me, I am really into comfort and extending shooting.  If you ever spent a whole day doing a 12 hour shooting course, you will notice your hands will start getting fatigued, sweaty and generally shooting accuracy may start going down the crapper.  I feel it is critical finding a solution to allow you to have the most solid grip possible on a weapon without having to resort to a death grip on your weapon.  The more you grip down on a gun, the more you fatigure your muscles, cause involuntery muscle contractions, etc.  Just like in racing where they say tires win a race, there is something to be said about proper grip when it comes to shooting stance.

Unlike a lot of things I talk about on this website and during webcasts, this is something that will not set you back a paycheck to stick on your gun.  In fact, it might just be covered by skipping a few trips to your local Starbucks. 

Ergo Grip

I have always loved these products.  I have been in hunting mode to track down a tan grip for my FN SCAR (being a bit obsessive about making my FN SCAR as Desert Tanned out as I can.  When I finally ran across one at a local gun show, I had to get it.  Installation of the Ergo Grip is fairly self explanatory.  Removal of the old grip just requires a torque wrench up the cavity hold on the bottom of the FN SCAR grip.  This might be tricky if you do not have a torque wrench long enough (insert witty penis joke here). 

Anyways, after you have removed the old one, putting this new one in place is a no brainer.  Once you get this on your gun, the best way of describing it is going from cloth interior on your car to full stitched leather.  The feel of the grip is just solid, your hand will actually almost melt into the grip.  I compare it to your first time trying a real Tempur Pedic pillow going from a $9.99 Wal Mart private label pillow. 

So what are the draw backs?  There is one.  An Ergo Grip, although being very durable, will never have the life span of a plastic grip.  They will eventually crack over time just like a rubber hogue.  If you are consistantly leaving the gun out under direct sunlight in the 115 degree temperature, guess what, it won’t last as long as a plastic grip.  However you should be able to get a good solid 10 years out of a grip at least.  Keep in mind, this is an accessory that runs you about thirty-something at a gun show, the MSRP may be closer to $40.00.  At the end of the day, the cost is minimal enough that if you decide you don’t like it, you aren’t really out a lot of money.
